As an importer, you can forget about items going back to China for repairs or replacement should you find faults.
Your main risk in business is choosing the wrong product and/or wrong supplier.
Manufacturers like everyone else do learn from errors, just make sure they don’t do that on your skin.
While customization is a must, making radical changes to an existing product, or sending a new one into production has several risks, like a high defective or discard rate. Despite all promises the supplier might make, when a problem as such takes place, someone will have to take the heat, and most likely it won’t be the manufacturer.
If you are in such a scenario of innovation and experimentation, start slow, take your time to experiment, make relatively small production runs, and go big only after you are sure the situation on the production line is stable.
Besides proper knowledge about the specific product and business on your side, you will also need to keep up a good QA strategy.
Absolute necessary steps are:
- Factory visits and auditing: verify beforehand the physical production capacity and experience of the supplier.
- Quality and stability checks: be present in the factory before, during and after production.